The Definition of a Museum

A museum is an institution that cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of historical or cultural significance. Most public museums have a permanent or temporary exhibition of these objects. Visitors are encouraged to learn more about the items in the exhibits. The exhibits vary in size and scope, depending on the type of museum. Some museums are more permanent than others, and some have permanent and temporary exhibitions. In addition to collections, a museum can hold events or lectures that educate the public about the artifacts on display.


The Standing Committee for the Museum Definition is responsible for putting together the final definition of a museum. The new definition of a museum is based on the views of the various stakeholders. It is the responsibility of these groups to make this determination. The proposed process is a collaborative effort that is based on four rounds of consultation and has eleven steps. During this time, the committee will review, refine and propose a final definition of a museum to present at the next ICOM General Conference.

The process of creating a universal definition for museums has several steps. The first step is drafting the proposal. The second step is consultation. In consultation 1, the committee invited member organizations to submit their reports on the activities related to the creation of a new definition for a museum. The process is based on four rounds of consultation, and there are 11 steps. The proposed schedule of the process is six months and will be reviewed at the next ICOM General Conference in 2022.

The word “museum” derives from the nine classical Greek muses, who are thought to have governed art and culture. In ancient times, the famed “Museion” in Alexandria was more of a university with a library than a museum. Scholars place the first museum in the 17th century in Europe. However, it is possible that museums had existed even before the establishment of the British Museum. For instance, the Roman public squares were used to exhibit statues. The medieval church had a treasury to collect sacred objects. And in traditional Japan, small paintings were hung in shrines and temples to attract good fortune.

During the Second World War, many nations agreed to delay the definition of the museum. Eventually, Israel and Iran agreed to delay the process for the sake of peace. The French branch of ICOM decided to hold a meeting on the definition of the museum and its role in a society. Nevertheless, the ICOM general conference will still vote on the final definition in 2022. The committee members will have the chance to present their views to the ICOM in 2022.

The ICOM’s definition of the museum was recently approved in a decision that was reached following the first round of consultations. The definition was approved and the next step is the next vote. The proposed schedule will be in place for 18 months. The committee is expected to submit its final report to the ICOM General Conference in 2022. If it passes the ICOM general conference, the proposal will be passed by the commission. There are no fewer than five countries in the world, but the majority will hold the meeting in the US.